Admissions to RLA

Choosing a school for your child is a crucial decision, one that is best done by finding out as much as you can about the schools which you are considering. The best way to get to know us is to come and visit! You will be warmly welcomed and shown around by a staff member.

Please contact us for an appointment: 01253 763414


Admission to our Reception Classes


We have one intake of children each September. Children start school in the year in which they become 5 years old and, under normal circumstances, attend part time in the first couple weeks of the Autumn Term. This has the benefit of easing your child into school life and routines.

Thereafter, they are admitted fulltime, unless there are reasons for not doing so. Including our Nursery, we have 16 classes. Children are taught in mixed ability groupings. We are committed to keeping class sizes as small as possible.

In preparation for starting RLA in September, parents/carers and children are invited to ‘getting to know you meetings’ in the Summer Term, when entry details will be discussed along with anything else you think we should know, confidentially, with the class teacher or other appropriate adult. All children coming to us in September are encouraged to join us for ‘taster’ sessions in June and July. This helps your child to become as familiar as possible with us, the building and our routines so that you and your child feel comfortable and enjoy their first ‘real’ days at Revoe Learning Academy.

RLA can accommodate a maximum of 60 children in each year group from Reception to Year 6. Nursery 2 to 3 year olds can accommodate up to 12 per session; and Nursery 3 to 4 year olds can accommodate up to 30 children per session.

Should there be more applications than places, the following criteria will apply:

  • Children having brothers or sisters already at RLA;
  • Children having a medical, special education need or specific well-being need which means they need to attend at the nearest school;
  • Proximity of home to RLA.

Non Routine Admissions


Non routine admissions i.e. school age children who have moved into the area or wish to change schools, are at the discretion of the Headteacher. We have well established induction arrangements for welcoming new children and their families to RLA. To support a successful induction, we allocate specific, planned days during each half term where children will join Revoe.  

Once offered a place at Revoe Learning Academy, parents will be invited to a meeting to discuss issues, ask any questions that they may have and receive an information pack.

Trained staff will carry out assessments prior to your child starting RLA. These help us to best place your child and ensure that any support, which they require, is well matched and in place before they start RLA to help them make good progress.

Appeals Procedure


If we are unable to offer a place to a child because a particular year group is full, parents have the right to appeal. The Blackpool Council School Admissions Team gives admission guidelines in a publication called Guide for Parents’, available from School Admissions Team, Children's Services, PO Box 4, Blackpool FY1 1NA. Alternatively, click here to take you to the Blackpool Council school admission appeal web page.


Blackpool Primary Appeals Timetable for admission to September 2023



Admissions to our Nurseries


You can register an interest for your child to attend Revoe Nursery using a Nursery Interest Form which you can collect from the Family Hub or the Main Academy Office.  Parents are contacted either by phone or letter with details of visit arrangements. A home visit/visit to Nursery is organised by RLA staff made prior to coming into Nursery and Reception. This is so that we can be fully aware of your child’s needs and give them the best start possible! 

Full day care is not currently available at RLA. Nursery morning sessions start at 8.30am and end at 11.30am; Nursery afternoon sessions start at 12.20pm and end at 3.20pm. Please ensure that your child starts sessions promptly so that they develop good habits as early as possible. Thank you.


Click here for the local authority guide to applying for a primary school place.  

Please contact us if you have any queries.
