Our School Therapy Dog
Introducing Poppy
Hi, I’m Poppy, RLA’s Therapy Dog. I am a Shih Poo and I have the best job in the world!!.
Working at RLA is amazing. I spend my day teaching the children to read, walk nicely and how to do tricks (my favourite part of the day).
I also comfort our children when they are unhappy or upset … I don’t like to see children sad or crying!
I get taken out for regular walks during the day and have my own bed in our main office, where I relax, drink and of course, have a play with my toys!!
My favourite food is chicken, which I love. But, I don’t like vegetables or my worming tablet – yuck!
My best friend is Kat, he is a cat (I know, silly name). Kat doesn't play much as he is getting old but he is great company in the evening and we often chill and watch television together. I enjoy watching, ‘For the Love of Dogs’ but I really don’t think Kat likes it very much, he usually closes his eyes and snores!! I also like watching football but only the ones who play in red.
Well, that’s enough about me – please read our Therapy dog policy and risk assessment for more information or contact us if you have any queries.